Showing posts with label Valentine's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine's Day. Show all posts

14 February 2018

It's Treatable With Flowers And Chocolates

Meanwhile, back at the comic books on Valentine's Day...

Even Lone Wolf characters like Batman are into Valentine's Day-

Who would have thought that over 50 years ago DC was supporting gay couples and non-monogamous relationships in 1966:

That's what's going on there, right?

The idea that Love is beyond Death leaves us with...

NOTE: Following the restructuring of this site, the covers for
Zombie Tramp have been moved to our back room for adult content.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive
of the original post to view the artwork

Let's wrap up our Valentine's Day covers and cards the way we started them - with Spidey & Deady(?!)-

At Least There's No Massacre

Looking around at the world today, it's hard not to feel longings for a sweeter, more loving time.
You know, like it used to be on Valentine's Day...

What the frell did i just see?

Apparently this "love" stuff has been pretty sick & twisted all along...

After all the lewd puns, threats, masochism, bondage, pussy licking, topless man-eaters, and what all in the other cards, that last one still manages to be extra creepy in its way.

So next time, we'll come back with some nice, wholesome comic book Valentines.

Okay, yeah. That's a whole 'nother level of creepy.
But still better than the look on CM's face for this stalker Valentine -


Happy VD! (Not THAT VD (Who Names These Things?))

Valentine's Day - who loves it more and does it better - Deadpool or Spider-Man?

Contemplate your decision, then follow the break to see my vote, if you care.
Either way, we'll be back with more V.D. a few times throughout the day.