08 April 2018

Covering The Monkees

Have a heapin' helpin' of Monkee covers - 30 of 'em!

I tried to avoid pulling too many from the same source (though Tiger Beat sure doesn't make that easy!), so we have a few from their own comic, a few from other comics, and a bunch from a variety of magazines and books.

Let's open with my favorite of the Dell comic covers, though sadly it's in pretty beat up shape and there's been too much happening around here to allow time for a full restoration treatment -

A half century later, it continues.
While on my monthly grocery expidition yesterday i heard some folks talking about The Monkees coming to town, which isn't something i thought was possible these days.

But cave dwelling hermits miss out on a lot.

covers from the places they say they're from, except that lying Batman '66 and The Monkees cover,
which comes from Tyrone Biljan (1967-2017)

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