08 January 2018

Hey! Look Behind The Curtain

A brief follow-up before we continue.

An overview of the Social Security situation.
When you hear politicians in Washington talking about Social Security as an "Entitlement Program", you are listening to criminals trying to cover up their crimes, or the crimes of their colleagues/predecessors. Social Security is a mandatory insurance program in which we were all forced to participate. As usual, our  government doesn't like the idea of living up to their deals once it's no longer profitable for them.

Some may want to talk about how much of the budget gets eaten up by that obligation, but the real question is Why is so much of the budget going towards those payments?
In the 1980s, it was clear where we were headed, and so the withholdings for Social Security were dramatically increased to build a massive trust fund to finance the deal. Last time i looked, it was between 2.5-3 Trillion dollars. That's 15 zeroes. How much interest do you suppose that much capital in a trust fund generates?

How about none.

In the 90s the government got to looking at all that cash just sitting there doing nothing. (Serving the needs of the citizenry counts as "doing nothing," of course) So they decided to embezzle it. They raided the fund and replaced the cash with Treasury Notes. They called it an "Economic Miracle" and claimed the budget was balanced. And all they had to do was steal the future from the citizens whom they had conned into trusting their money to them. As near as i can tell, this raiding of the actual cash has continued, because - money.

So now, not only does the budget have to cover cashing out those Treasury Notes to pay back our money they stole, but they also have to pay for the interest generated on said notes. So instead of our money earning interest or dividends to fund what we were promised, it generates more debt for our budget.
Instead of cash generating earnings to pay for the program, we have debit statements racking up more debt to be paid out. It's the theft that keeps on thieving.

The government STOLE the money, replaced it with IOUs, and is trying to punish the public for wanting the government to deliver on their promises, promises that we already paid for.

When you hear politicians in DC talking about the Social Security "Entitlement Program", call bullshit and demand they return our stolen funds.


Okay. I'll lighten up now.
I know just the hero to call for help, and we'll be back in a short while.

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