15 November 2017

Mental Deterioration?

I know i'm getting old, and i've accepted that since i was 12.
But, damn - sometimes it's hard to adjust to how much the systems one has relied upon all one's life can just start breaking down. Like memory.
Much of my memory is still very sharp, well organized, and expansive. And then there are the parts that have suffered data corruption, bit flipping, or just plain deletion. The really tricky bit, is those sectors aren't marked. So it becomes hard to rely on one's memory or judgement at times - even though you might be fairly damn sure you've got it handled, you wind up fact checking the silliest little things because you just can't be sure.
And sometimes, it's things that you'd absolutely swear by that turn out to be way off base.
Sometimes, things just seem completely different than how you remember them...

I don't know. I'm just getting old...

pages from Aphid Fantasy #15?


  1. That'd the way I remember it happening. What's more, I've got every issue. This is...eh...wait a minute...oh, what's my name again...? - signing off.

    1. See? That's why i switched and grabbed my number early. Can you imagine how much harder it's going to be when you have to remember a 10 digit number instead of a name? (Assuming they don't include more digits to allow for growth.)
      Nope. 0000000003 is much better.

  2. I actually had Eclipse Monthly #3-7, and a few issues of the Masked Man's self-titled spinoff comic, in the early 1980s.

    Obviously, Aphid Man was a spoof of Steve Ditko's Blue Beetle, while the Masked Man was a pastiche of Will Eisner's The Spectre.

    1. Thanks, TC. I was having a great deal of trouble trying to decide whether to reveal the source yet. So glad you did, so i can put the brain to rest.
      You can probably guess where we'll be wandering in future posts. I made first references to Eclipse Magazine on the 2nd of this month. Eclipse Monthly will be the follow-up to this teaser, and then we'll be visiting some of the individual titles.
